Where will this blog Navigate in 2009?

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

image Happy New Year everybody! Are you ready for it?

When I moved this blog to its new domain NavigateIntoSuccess.com I gave you a commitment I intend to observe: there will be a new post here every Monday and every Thursday. Today is Thursday, so let’s rock’n’roll.

Learning from other blogs I decided to start every month with a short retrospect of the past month (for all of you who might have missed something of interest) and a general posting plan for the next month (so you can decide whether it’s worth your attention up front).

Since I already gave a retrospect in my last post, and since it’s more than a month that’s beginning today, I’m jumping straight ahead to the roadmap for the whole year 2009. This is what I’ll blog about:

1. Sure Step

This year I’ll build upon the Sure Step foundation I laid in 2008. Learning about Sure Step is difficult if you don’t have access to it. If you are a customer planning to implement a Microsoft Dynamics solution (or you are in the middle of this process already), you can truly benefit from learning more about how implementation process looks like, or should look like, why methodology matters, and what value Sure Step gives you that not many other methodologies can.

In January specifically, I’ll cover several Sure Step topics. I’ll explain what Degree of Fit is and why it is important. I’ll discuss the value of the Architecture Assessment decision accelerator and how you can leverage it to better prepare your infrastructure to meet the requirements of your solution. I’ll also touch the topic of PMBOK and its relation to Sure Step.

2. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Functionality Catalog

As promised, I’ll develop a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Functionality Catalog, a one-stop source to learn about what features are included in a standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution from ERP and business process perspective. When you are making a decision to implement an ERP system, it can take dozens of presentations to learn about the functionality, and you might still have a number of questions lingering in the air unanswered. With this functionality catalog I hope to help you deciding on implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

In January, I’ll give an outline of functionality, and will give a broad description of functional areas in the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV application.

3. From The Blogs

Every month, I’ll give you an insight of latest developments in other Microsoft Dynamics NAV blogs: what important news they broke, what they blogged about, fantastic tips and tricks they delivered.

I’ll direct you to a number of interesting, but largely unknown blogs, or those that have been forgotten by their authors. Last year, my blog was facing a similar destiny—in January 2008 it has been months since my last post, in February Dave discovered my blog, blogged about it and infused me with just enough enthusiasm to persist. All the rest is history. Maybe I resurrect some other blogs that have potential to excel.

4. Business Process Improvement

Implementation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, or any ERP system for that matter, is a difficult process no matter how simple it is. Far more than just introducing a new software product into your environment, the implementation process opens many opportunities for true improvement. If you ask me, the biggest benefit of an ERP implementation is not the software you get (no matter how perfect it might be)—it’s the once-in-a-long-time opportunity to revise and change your ways.

In January, I’ll theorize about starting it from scratch and why I believe it is worth trying.

5. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009

With the bits and bytes of the latest release still warm from compiling, ignoring it would make no sense. In the context of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 I’ll blog about what it is, what value it brings and why, but I won’t blog about how to this or that. I’ll give you information, and insight, and value proposition; for tips and tricks read heading #3 above.

This month I’ll post about user interface evolution, and users’ transit from slavery to mastery and the role the RoleTailored user experience plays in it.

6. You tell me!

In the sidebar on the right, there is a poll which you can use to tell me what you want to read about the most. I’ll comply, no questions asked. This is a good time for all of you who are following this blog from a syndicated website, to switch to the source: NavigateIntoSuccess.com. If you are not doing so already, you are missing on many opportunities.

If there is anything you want to read about, and it’s not listed in the poll, use the comments feature and let me know. I’ll be glad to make this blog your blog by blogging about what you want to read about. Only then will this blog make sense.


That would be it. I hope there are a lot of reasons for you to return to this blog regularly, or to subscribe to it using the RSS or e-mail subscription options.

I am looking forward to seeing you around!


Vjeko has been writing code for living since 1995, and he has shared his knowledge and experience in presentations, articles, blogs, and elsewhere since 2002. Hopelessly curious, passionate about technology, avid language learner no matter human or computer.

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