Adriatics Community Launched

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Thanks you all, who participated in yesterday’s Microsoft Dynamics Community Adriatics launch event in Zagreb. I’m sorry that Live Meeting equipment could not be set-up in the Microsoft’s big conference room, but I was promised that in the future maybe something could be done. I hope it doesn’t mean moving to a smaller room where the equipment is already installed, because I prefer more in-person audience. In any case, I would like repeating this launch in the region, and I’ll use this blog to let you know about it.

In my opinion, the launch was a success, there were more participants than I expected, and definitely more than registered.

[Post was updated on October 8th, to include more links and downloads]


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What is your ERP, a commodity or a solution?

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

imageYears ago, when I didn’t know what consultant was, let alone thought about eventually becoming one, I was sitting in a cafe in Zagreb with then my boss and now my friend Marko, sipping cream with coffee and mostly sharing random thoughts. He then introduced me to a commodity-convenience-solution concept which shaped a lot my customer approach and my work.

You might be a customer of an ERP. Or you might be a company offering implementation services to customers. In any case, this post is for you—how you think about your ERP implementation project(s).


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