Status of Stratus, T-1 month

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

imageThe summer was hot in this part of the world, and Stratus only helped keep the heat up. We were not only snorkeling through the summer, we did a lot of work to keep up with our goal of going live in September, and we are still on track. So far so good.

Over the past two months, we have done the following:

  • Signed up 100+ companies for test drive
  • Reached 60+ countries
  • Signed a series of contracts with partner companies, including NDAs, MOUs and final agreements
  • Started several pilots with telecoms in Europe and Latin America
  • Demoed Stratus at a number of events, in Europe, United States and New Zealand


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Status of Stratus

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Stratus - an actual screenshot of the Role CenterI’ve been asked too many times why I am not blogging more about Stratus, the web client for NAV developed by my company. People really want to know about it, and I am really keeping it far too silent.

Let’s change that. Instead of sending a ridiculous amount of e-mails every day, I’ll just keep you all posted through this blog.


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