Let’s meet at the Convergence!

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I will be attending Convergence 2008 Copenhagen this week. It’s the premier Microsoft Dynamics event, bringing together customers, partners and Microsoft, to share experiences, gain insight into latest developments, discuss solutions and build community.

There are two Convergences each year, a European one traditionally held in Copenhagen in fall, and a US one, traditionally not held at the same place, but always held in spring.


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Default database approach

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  • Reading time:7 mins read

Last Friday, while enjoying a not-at-all healthy Salisbury steak with cheese, I had an interesting discussion with a partner: should NAV consultancies create default databases?

A default database (in this context) is a packaged solution built upon standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV, where a consultancy has introduced a number of features that they sell to all their customers as the standard solution, instead of standard NAV. The modifications to standard NAV can range from simple report adornments to minor feature improvements  to full-scale horizontal or vertical functionalities.


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What’s New In Sure Step: Functional Requirements Document

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One of many improvements the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step methodology has brought along is the revised purpose of the Functional Requirements Document (FRD). This document has long served as cornerstone of every Analysis process of every implementation project: it was the main deliverable of the Analysis phase and it both documented customer’s requirements and explained how they will be met with Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution.


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Featuritis Cure

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Don’t you just love when users come up with new feature ideas at a microprocessor clock rate. Even before you finish developing one, five new requests pop up. This is a disease, and it’s called featuritis!


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