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  • Reading time:7 mins read

Good. At this point we know everything about exception types, what they are, how to obtain them, how to compare them (at least directly). All of these have suddenly become relevant now that we have GETLASTERROROBJECT function in NAV 2015.

But an old friend is still around, the GETLASTERRORCODE function, what about it? Why do we need to bother with GETLASTERROROBJECT when we have a simpler approach, with less peeking into inner exceptions, less reflection, less spooky, obscure .NET internals?



Getting more insight into exceptions in NAV

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

To continue my series about exception handling in NAV, this time I’ll discuss how to gain insight into exceptions in NAV. As I mentioned already, the GETLASTERROROBJECT function gives you an instance of System.Exception, actually of a class descending from it, which allows you to get more information about the context of the error that has just happened.


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Any clue about cue?

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Do you know cues? Those clickable colorless stacks of documents in NAV 2009, that turned into clickable blue stack tiles in NAV 2013 R2, and that worked on top of FlowFields of type Integer?

Well, in NAV 2015, this munch bunch has turned into clickable blue tiles with pictures and colorful indicators that are configurable per user, that work on top of any kind of numeric fields (normal or abnormal), or better yet, on top of any kind of numeric expression (you can bind them to RANDOM(1000) for all NAV cares).


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