Business Central Sandbox is not the same as Preview

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Just in case you have fallen victim of the confusion I see often in online communities, blogs, but also Microsoft official documentation: Dynamics 365 Business Central sandbox is not the same as Dynamics 365 Business Central preview. They are two different things. Keep in mind, in this blog post I am not talking about sandbox container environments (on-prem); I am only talking about online sandbox environments.

This is not pure semantics. Things in sandbox environments (and I mean, real sandbox environments of Business Central) differ from things in preview environments.


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Accessing a control add-in in a dependency extension

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  • Reading time:11 mins read

Long time no see, eh? Time flies, what do you know…

I am thrilled to still find you here. Honestly, I wasn’t sure this morning if I was about to even find this blog where I left it seven months ago. Cool to find both my blog and you in good shape, patiently waiting for my contribution.

This morning I had a call with a partner asking if it was possible to deploy a control add-in in such a way that other partners could use its functionality from their own extensions. My answer was, and it still is – well, it should be possible, but I don’t know for a fact because I never tried it.

So let’s try it and find the answer together.


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