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Technically it was yesterday, September 1st, but in practice it will be tomorrow, September 3rd, because it is a Monday. Tomorrow I start at my new position at a new company. The position is Consultant, and company is Microsoft. Quite a change for me.

This change was pending for a while, and tomorrow it comes to completion. I was never this excited about a new job, and this is my fifth new job in my career. And I never felt this much responsibility. And this much challenge.


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Changing lanes

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Hello there! I could as well start with “Hello there, myself!”, but that’s a charm of blogging – you do it regardless of whether there is anyone else reading this stuff. I’ve read somewhere that most blogs have exactly one regular reader – the blogger himself. So far, this is the situation with my blog, and I don’t really mind if it stays that way for the time being.

Ok, I’ll get to the point. There is a change in my career path on the horizon. Nothing really radical, because I am staying in the same business, I am continuing to work with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV, but my work might be a little bit different. To be totally honest, this was on the horizon for quite a while, but there have been some, err, circumstances, and I wasn’t really sure whether it will be go, or no go. Now it is 99% go, but yet I don’t feel comfortable to blurt it out all at once. Suspense is the key…


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  • Reading time:4 mins read

I first heared about Navision five years ago, when I was working as a .NET developer on a web shop project. One of my tasks was to integrate the ordering functionality with customer’s existing system using the fixed format document exchange. At that time my whole world was object oriented, I used C# more than any other language, human or computer, and solution to any problem started with { and ended with }. Business logic was farthest I went in touching any business problem. Business was for businessmen, I was a programmer.


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