Web Client for Microsoft Dynamics NAV

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  • Reading time:8 mins read

imageWhen the story you are supposed to tell reaches you from the other end, the rumor has obviously had it long enough.

So let me announce it publicly: “Stratus”, the Web-based client for Microsoft Dynamics NAV I’ve been working on for well over a year is nearly finished. As a matter of fact, it is entering the pilot phase.

Without much fanfare, I’m turning this post into a sort of FAQ which should give you enough understanding of the product, its purpose and its roadmap.


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Can Microsoft Dynamics ERP move to the cloud?

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

imageThe Software Advice blog has started a series of short five minute interviews with Microsoft executives in charge of Dynamics technologies, and today’s one has caught my attention: it’s entitled Can Microsoft Dynamics ERP move to the cloud, and the interview was with Guy Weismantel, director of ERP Marketing at Microsoft.

Cloud computing is something that has been tickling my imagination ever since I first heard the term, and I’ve spent past couple of years not only thinking how to do something with the cloud, but actually doing it (stay tuned!), so it was interesting to see what’s Microsoft’s unofficial official position on ERP in cloud perspective, can it be done, should it be done, where is it all going, etc.


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