This blog is my personal blog. I run it purely as a hobby, and use this blog to share my own personal view and opinion about topics such as Project Management, ERP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV and many more. I do not use my blog as a marketing platform on behalf of my employer, his partners or any third parties.
All postings on this blog are provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confer no rights. All entries in this blog are exclusively my personal opinion, and all information is provided as general information only. Any information or opinion expressed on this blog is bound to change at any time, and may be withdrawn completely with no prior notice.
Each posting on this blog presents my opinion at the time of posting only. Each entry is tagged with a time stamp, and my opinion of the same matter at present time might not match that of the time of posting.
Any source code provided, either inline or as direct download, comes with no warranties, is for explanation or demonstration purposes only, is not intended to be used in production environment, and you can only use it at your own responsibility.
Other than the mumbo-jumbo above, you are free to read, agree, disagree, comment, subscribe to, link to, share or pretty much do anything you would normally do with any other blog. You are also free to copy, digest, aggregate or re-post the contents of this blog provided that before publishing the re-used content, you put something along the lines of the following: “Taken from, by Vjekoslav Babic”, with full link to the original content. Of course, if you are merely quoting a sentence or two, or a paragraph or two, I’m completely okay that you just provide a link back to here, without any special introductory statement. I’m not asking this because I am a legal freak, but because I believe it’s just a fair trade. I’m writing this blog for free, and my toenails curl up when I see my content on other “blogs” (a.k.a. aggregation sites), presented under a different name and not even mentioning me. I don’t make money on my blog – and I am completely okay if you make money from the content taken here – just be fair, and link back and say who it is whose sweat and sleepless nights are paying for your hosting bills.
This blog allows you to post comments on blog posts. If you choose so, you have to leave your name, and your e-mail address while commenting. You don’t have to use your real name, and you are free to use a nickname. The purpose of asking for your name is that each comment you make is clearly attributed to you. If you don’t want your true name displayed here, please use a nickname. Leaving the e-mail address is mandatory, but it will be visible only to me, it will not be published, and will not be visible to general public, visitors of the blog, or third parties, and I will never share it with the third parties (except if law enforcement agencies with a valid court order requires me to disclose it). I am also never going to use your e-mail address for any purpose, except for replying to your comment. I am not going to use your e-mail address for soliciting business from you, or spamming you, except if you explicitly authorize me to do so.
I’m looking forward to seeing you around here.