Control Add-ins Supercharged: Development and production build tasks

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’ve been absent for a while – sometimes it’s difficult to find time for blogging even when I want it. Anyway… here’s the last post in the introductory series of posts that explain my NAV TechDays 2019 demos. In this code example, I explain the difference between typical development and production build configurations, and I show how to configure gulp accordingly.

To check the code example, and to read the detailed explanations of it, jump over to


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Deploying control add-ins during development in NAV 2016

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  • Reading time:15 mins read

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 brings many new features, one of which is a set of PowerShell cmdlets to manage add-ins. These are:

While these cmdlets are certainly useful for installation and deployment, I find them even more useful during development. When I blogged about deploying resource files automatically during development some months ago, I showed how you could use PowerShell during build process in Visual Studio to invoke a codeunit that registers control add-ins. Now, in NAV 2016, these tasks are a lot simpler with these new cmdlets.


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Strange errors in RoleTailored Client RDLC reports

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

olddogWe old dogs really have to learn new tricks with RTC (RoleTailored Client), as I found out couple of days ago. A customer of mine asked me for a quick report. I don’t typically do reports, but I thought—“not a big deal, it’s just a report”—so I fixed it, tested it, made sure it worked, then deployed it to production.

And then I found out it was not just a report.

It just didn’t want to execute in production. Whatever I did I just got a strange error message, something I never saw before. Ever.


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