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Technically it was yesterday, September 1st, but in practice it will be tomorrow, September 3rd, because it is a Monday. Tomorrow I start at my new position at a new company. The position is Consultant, and company is Microsoft. Quite a change for me.

This change was pending for a while, and tomorrow it comes to completion. I was never this excited about a new job, and this is my fifth new job in my career. And I never felt this much responsibility. And this much challenge.


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Changing lanes

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Hello there! I could as well start with “Hello there, myself!”, but that’s a charm of blogging – you do it regardless of whether there is anyone else reading this stuff. I’ve read somewhere that most blogs have exactly one regular reader – the blogger himself. So far, this is the situation with my blog, and I don’t really mind if it stays that way for the time being.

Ok, I’ll get to the point. There is a change in my career path on the horizon. Nothing really radical, because I am staying in the same business, I am continuing to work with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV, but my work might be a little bit different. To be totally honest, this was on the horizon for quite a while, but there have been some, err, circumstances, and I wasn’t really sure whether it will be go, or no go. Now it is 99% go, but yet I don’t feel comfortable to blurt it out all at once. Suspense is the key…


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