NAV TechDays 2019: {ConnectApp}² demos

This year's NAV TechDays was again an amazing event. More than 1400 participants, 18 sessions, great content, it again surpassed the records set last year. It was an honor and…

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Using complex types with custom APIs

Out-of-the-box Business Central APIs often use complex types. Addresses on entities and documents, line details, units of measures, journal dimensions, these are just a few examples. There may be more.…

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Codeunit interfaces in AL

Nearly two and a half years ago I had a dream. It was about codeunit references and codeunit interfaces. And today, nearly two and a half years later I am…

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Encapsulation in JavaScript

This will be my last post in the "JavaScript for (C/)AL Developers" series today. If I continued blogging about nearly pure JavaScript stuff, you could reasonably ask if this is…

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