What’s New in NAV 2016: Control Add-ins

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Well, control add-ins are not new in NAV 2016, they have been around for a long time now. But, they have been improved and this blog post is about these improvements.

Of course, the improvements are exclusively in the Web client framework, not the Windows client, and I am educated-guessing here that we won’t really see many improvements in the control add-in framework for Windows in the future. Why would we? All control add-ins should target all clients and use the Web framework, anyway so the case for Windows client is getting weaker and weaker.


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What’s New in NAV 2016: Splitting Atoms with TryFunction

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  • Reading time:15 mins read

If this was a joke, then it would be one of those good-news-bad-news jokes. So which one do you want first? To stay true to all jokes of this kind, I’ll start with good news first.

Good news is, you now have TryFunctions, that return true if no error happens, and false if an error happens inside them.

And the bad news? You’ll never want to use them.


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What’s New in NAV 2016: Application Test Toolkit

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

The best news sometimes go silent, and the newest release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV has just proven this claim.

Ladies and gentlemen, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 comes shipped with full set of application test toolkit, that you can use to test your customizations against regression issues. Even though most partners out there have never even tried the testability features, let alone written a unit test (for all the wrong reasons), testability framework of NAV is one of its strongest points, and was the last missing piece to complete the big puzzle called Road to Repeatability.


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Directions EMEA 2015 Session Content

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

For me, Mannheim was always a yet another German city, one that beyond its name I knew nothing else about. When it was announced that Directions EMEA 2015 would be in Mannheim, my first reaction was “say what?” And yet, just as last year in Poznan, I was pleasantly surprised, and realized that every place has something to show, spirit to share, and energy to bring.

There are very few conferences that matter to me. One of them is Directions EMEA, and this year it’s the fourth time that I got a chance to speak and share my ideas and hacks with the community. As promised, and in line with my never-broken tradition, I’m publishing all my content on my blog for you to download.


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What’s New in NAV 2016: Code Editor

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Three years ago I was doing a presentation about something or other about NAV at a non-NAV conference. That’s in front of normal developers. And you can imagine what their impression was of the state of the technology when, in front of a couple of hundred mostly C# developer, I opened the C/AL editor.

I don’t need to be concerned about that anymore, because Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 comes with a new code editor, which comes with a number of features the whole NAV community way hoping for since I remember. And I started forgetting a long time ago.

Namely, we now have:

  • Proper syntax highlighting
  • Line numbers
  • Change indicators
  • Auto-complete intellisense style. Ish.
  • Syntax tooltips
  • And – hold your seats! – undo!


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