A couple of ideas for HttpClient

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  • Reading time:18 mins read

When invoking any REST web services, a lot of AL code mostly looks like this:

procedure CallRESTFoo()
    Client: HttpClient;
    Response: HttpResponseMessage;
    Body: Text;
    Json: JsonObject;
    Client.Get('https://foo.bar/', Response);
    // Process JSON body of the response...

Of course, there are more things there, like headers or perhaps calling HTTP POST (or another method) instead of GET, but when you strip it down to the bones, the chunk above is what remains.

Today’s post is a follow up for my HttpClient Patterns live session on http://vjeko.live/ and as I promised, I am providing the text-only version for those who prefer reading to watching.


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Schedule for the period ahead

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Happy New Year everyone, with a little delay. I was busy in the first two weeks of this year preparing and delivering the “Leveraging Git” webinar. It turned out to be quite a success, but it also prevented me from doing my live session last Friday.

But this short break doesn’t mean I am not going to get busy with my blog and live blog again. This is what’s coming up.


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